Issues in the Illinois General Assembly

Click here for bills that IAFP is tracking in Springfield with Illinois Capitol Group
Click here for the 2024 End of Session Report 
Click here for the IAFP Lobbying Home Page
Click here for Resources
Click here for IAFP State Advocacy History

Visiting with your legislator does not have to be stressful and may start a fruitful relationship for your community and career. The information on the IAFP Legislator Advocacy Resource Center ranges from general tips to specific details on various industry related topics that are important to the Illinois Academy of Family Physicians and our members.

IAFP, ISMS and ICAAP oppose "Test to Treat" legislation fact sheet  and Testimony provided to House Health Licenses Committee on July 12

May 9, 2024 - IAFP President Dr. Emma Daisy statement in support of Continuous Glucose Monitoring by primary care physicians

The Importance of Family Medicine in Illinois - use this in your communication with elected officials

Fact Sheets for 2023 General Assembly Session
-HB1237 and SB2032 Aging Equity Act
-Include E-cigarettes in Smoke-Free Illinois (NOTE: Senate Bill 1561 Passed the Senate March 23! And HB 1540 passed on March 24 since the March 22 IAFP visits.)  You can check the roll call and thank your senators and representatives that supported those bills. 
-SB218 PA fact sheet
-HB2280 Cultural Competence Training

IAFP-led joint letter to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) as they establish the policy work/guidance/general infrastructure needed to support opening the associated reimbursement coverage for Medicaid fee-for-service and managed care in the Mental Health Collaborative Care Model.
Illinois Spring 2023 End of Session Report
2022 End of Session Report with information on our priority legislation

Support HB3498 Protect Access to TelehealthFact Sheet and Press Release from the Coalition to Protect Telehealth. Read the
IAFP statement on telehealth - September 2020 

Prior Authorization IAFP is part of the Your Care Can’t Wait Coalition, a group of healthcare and patient advocacy organizations that support the Prior Authorization Reform Act. The comprehensive, bipartisan bills, House Bill 711 and SB 177, address patient and physician concerns about the delays caused by the prior authorization processes used by state-regulated health insurance plans.

Support HB 347 (with Senate Amendment 1) to improve immunization data and reimbursement rates for children in Illinois. Link to a fact sheet here

Support SB 697/HB 2595 - Health is Health - which amends the Illinois Insurance Code to ensure that all Medicaid MCOs and commercial insurer medical necessity determinations concerning mental health and substance use disorders are fully consistent with generally accepted standards of care. IAFP is a member of the Health is Health campaign.

Support SB109 which aligns Illinois state law with national standards by removing the witness signature on POLST (Practitioner Orders For Life Sustaining Treatment) forms. Illinois is one of only two states that has a witness requirement for state sanctioned POLST forms, making it a national outlier. Fact Sheet.

Support HB1063 - Decriminalization of HIV.  Fact Sheet including IAFP as a support organization.  AAFP Policy in support. 

IAFP co-signed letter with ICAAP and IHA to IDHFS requesting the agency assigns a reasonable reimbursement to CPT codes 99492, 99493, 99494, and G0512 to comply with the law that took effect in 2020 providing target payments for behavioral health care in the collaborative call model.

Doula coverage: Representative LaToya Greenwood has re-filed HB 354 to allow for Medicaid reimbursement of doula and home visiting services in Illinois. IAFP supports this bill, which is contained in a larger healthcare reform package signed into law in April 2021 as part of an Illinois Legislative Black Caucus initiative, see IAFP's full bill review.  Here is a link to the factsheet.


IAFP's Activity and Issues

The Importance of Family Medicine in Illinois  

About IAFP (backgrounder)

Illinois Department of Public Health 

Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation:  

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services

Illinois General Assembly web site Check the schedule, find a bill, find your legislators here

 IAFP State Advocacy History