Tobacco/Nicotine Prevention & Cessation

IAFP Education 
Tobacco and Smoking Cessation articles and resources page
Tobacco Cessation links

IAFP Resources
Tar Wars Illinois 
Advocacy initiatives

AAFP Resources
Tar Wars 
AAFP patient care programs on tobacco (includes links to e-cigarettes and JUULs info) patient information on vaping
AAFP Telehealth and Tobacco Cessation Guide (Dec. 2020)

Illinois Department of Public Health Resources 
IDPH fact sheet on youths and e-cigarette use.
IDPH Quit-Line has resources for patients and providers
IAFP is part of the IDPH Partnership to Reduce Tobacco Use, which last met in March 2019

Other Resources
Submitted blog on e-cigarettes from Georgetown University School of Nursing 
E-cigarettes and the Clinical Encounter - one of the co-authors is a former IL member - Scott Strayer, MD, MPH  - from the Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice