Governance and Board of Directors
Process for members to submit input to the IAFP Board of Directors. IAFP Board Members.
2024-25 President Kate Rowland, MD inaugural address
Submitting a Resolution for IAFP consideration. Resolutions must be submitted to Gordana Krkic, CAE
IAFP will hold elections for our officers and board of directors via online voting, ensuring that all Active members in good standing can run for the board and vote for board members.
IAFP will support diversity, equity, and inclusion in all its forms, recognizing that these require an enduring commitment that must find full expression in our organizational culture, values, activities and behaviors.
The newly elected members were installed at the IAFP Annual Meeting November 9, 2024 in Naperville, IL. Note that the board of directors typically meets four times per year. The first board meeting was after the board installation on November 9.
View a listing of IAFP presidents, 2000-current
Submit resolutions and input to the IAFP Board of Directors and find Resolution writing resources
IAFP members have new ways to send formal requests to the Illinois AFP Board of Directors for their consideration. The All-Member Assembly was dissolved at the November 2016 annual meeting and this new process was adopted by the IAFP board of directors in February 2017. Link to the 2016 resolution with details.
How to submit proposals for consideration to the Illinois AFP
Send your email to [email protected]. Only current members in good standing may submit proposals to the IAFP Board of Directors. The email can be about IAFP policy or an action item request to the IAFP Board of Directors. Please include a preferred phone number in your email.
The president will acknowledge your email and then triage your input in one of the following ways:
- Staff to assist with an informational item or a transactional item
- Refer it to the IAFP committee of relevant expertise for consideration
- Refer it to the Executive Committee or full board if that level of consideration is needed.
The IAFP staff or committee assigned will contact you directly to discuss the issue. If needed, you may be asked to present your request to the committee or to the board of directors (via phone or in person). The board will receive a report of all member input collected via this process at each board meeting. You will be informed of the status of your resolution or action item after the next scheduled board of directors meeting.
Resolutions to AAFP Congress of Delegates: IAFP has a Task Force on AAFP Resolutions that evaluates resolutions proposed by IAFP members and requests from other state chapters to cosponsor resolutions to AAFP.