IAFP Survey Guidelines
The Illinois Academy of Family Physicians (IAFP) is often contacted by other organizations and individuals asking that IAFP email a survey to our members (approximately 2,500 emails). As a professional membership society, we also must respect our members' time and be selective in how we ask for their time. This policy is to establish consistent parameters for IAFP to use when requested to survey our membership. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved in writing by the executive vice president, who may consult with IAFP executive leadership.
Once approved, IAFP may distribute an electronic survey in the following avenues: - Regularly scheduled IAFP e-news. Notice can appear a maximum of two times before survey closes. E-news is distributed every other Friday, with some exceptions for holiday scheduling. - An exclusive one-time blast email may be sent to all IAFP Active members in addition to the inclusion in scheduled publications. For this option, an administrative fee of $100 will be applied and must be paid in advance.
As a condition of distribution, IAFP must be provided with the survey results and a final report once they are available.
Surveys may be approved for the following: 1) Survey is being conducted by IAFP or AAFP to determine members’ educational needs on a topic relevant to family medicine or other member data. 2) Survey is conducted as part of an existing or developing Education project by a partner organization 3) Survey is gathering data on physician experience, needs, or activities on a specific public health priority as outlined in the state health improvement plan or by the IAFP Public Health Committee 4) If survey meets any of criteria 1 through 3 above, but must be targeted to a specific geographic area, an administrative set-up fee of $100 will apply. 5) Survey generates information on family physicians’ practice environment specific to clinical and practice management
IAFP will not distribute outside organization surveys that are: • Individual research projects • Tied to legislation • Conducted by a candidate or political party or organization
To inquire about surveying IAFP members, please contact Ginnie Flynn by email or 773-754-1185.