You can subscribe to the Daily Gift of Vitality E-mails directly from Dr. Parella by sending her an email. She also has starting posting daily on her blog Daily Gift of Vitality
While there is uncertainty and fear around us right now, there is also love and kindness around us, always. During times of uncertainty, it helps to have some structured routines. We offer a daily anchoring message for those of you who may find it helpful for you, your coworkers, your loved ones, and/or your community/patients.
Here’s what you can do today, right now, during transitions, after listening to the news or when going to sleep:
• Roll your shoulders back, smile to yourself, & relax your jaw.
• Take slow deep belly breaths, allowing your stomach to rise with each breath in and relax with each breath out. You may find that each breath gets better and better. Allow your shoulders to relax on each exhale.
• Practice Guided Imagery – Beautiful Sky
1. As you continue breathing fully, imagine a beautiful sky. It may be during the day or night or even as the sun comes up or goes down.
2. Notice what your beautiful sky is like. There may be clouds or no clouds. There may be sunlight or starlight or moonlight.
3. Allow yourself to be a part of that beautiful world as you smile to yourself and breathe deeply and fully.
Anchor yourself with this daily statement:
“I am [*Name*].
I am doing what I can to be helpful.
I love myself because I have kindness and love in my heart and soul.
I am part of the global community and we are all working together to get through this.
This is temporary.
We can do this.
As I think about those I love and care for, I send loving kindness out to all people.”
Inspirational quotes
March 29th Today’s Inspiration: A Quote from ~Steven Pressfield
“Our job in this lifetime is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it.”
March 30th Today’s Quote from Arthur Ashe
“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”