Social Media Policy May 2012 - Updated October 2017
Purpose The intent of this policy is to preserve the mission, reputation, and property of The Illinois Academy of Family Physicians (IAFP), and also, promote the organization, interaction among members, colleagues, media and larger audiences through the prudent use of social media. This policy applies to all types of social media known today or that may be developed in the future. Without intending to limit the scope of this policy and only to provide examples, these social media include platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, blogs, comment sections of new media or other networking sites.
Policies 1. The name, marks, and the logos of IAFP are solely owned by IAFP, and all rights are reserved. This includes but is not limited to the following program names: The Illinois Academy of Family Physicians, and the Family Health Foundation of Illinois. The marks and logos of IAFP may not be used by any third party without the written consent of the IAFP.
2. All members and staff of the IAFP are encouraged to maintain the highest standards on their own personal social media pages and are expected to do so whenever there is any reference to The Illinois Academy of Family Physicians. Participation as a member or staff in any IAFP social media platform requires that participants consent that the IAFP has the right to object to and to prohibit improper uses in social media of chapter name, trademark, servicemark, logos, or other intellectual property, as well as improper references to any Illinois Academy of Family Physicians affiliation. IAFP members and staff are encouraged to share, retweet, post (with attribution) messages shared by the IAFP via social media channels.
3. The Illinois Academy of Family Physicians is the only entity authorized to create and maintain public social media sites or web pages in the name of IAFP, which rights may be delegated. All material associated with the IAFP that is entered onto public sites will maintain the high standards of The Illinois Academy of Family Physicians. IAFP’s social media platforms include: Twitter: @IllinoisAFP: Anyone can follow IAFP’s Twitter feed, and is welcome to re-tweet or reply tweet anytime. Facebook: Illinois Academy of Family Physicians. Like it, follow it and connect with the family medicine family. Photos, events and links are all on our page.
Instagram: @IllinoisAFP Anyone may follow IAFP on Instagram
YouTube: IAFP has a general interest YouTube page and one for our Education/CME modules -
LinkedIn Discussion Group: Illinois Academy of Family Physicians is limited to the following: IAFP members and staff (members may invite their practice manager to join) AAFP members and staff Other AFP Chapters All discussion is restricted to the group and should be of topics of interest or concern to family medicine/health care only. Members are allowed and encouraged to seek employment opportunities through this group and should refrain from discussions that are personal in nature.
All social media is subject to and not limited to the following:
a. The IAFP administrator may remove from its social media or other website any inappropriate posts, unauthorized members, copyright, servicemark or trademark material that is not the property of IAFP or its members, as determined in its sole discretion.
b. All contributors of content will state their affiliation with the IAFP.
c. All posts will be respectful. And posts deemed as spam, off-topic, derogatory or offensive comments will be immediately removed. No personal attacks will be permitted.
d. The Illinois Academy of Family Physicians education programs are for IAFP only, and not to be distributed by any means. The IAFP education programs are proprietary, and represent intellectual property that is protected by copyright, trademark and other laws.
e. All social media communication will be transparent and not in any way a violation of IAFP privacy, confidentiality, and legal guidelines for external commercial, personal, or political speech.
f. Any post that attempts to sell a product or service that is not affiliated with IAFP will be removed. Anyone who posts a personal product or service on IAFP’s social media platforms will receive a warning and subject to blocking after any future violation of this policy.
g. All news media inquiries submitted via social media must be referred to the IAFP Vice President of Communications.
h. Due to the permanent nature and accessibility of any person’s internet presence, all content should be carefully considered prior to publication. Please read your comment or posting aloud one final time before you post. If you would be embarrassed to show that content to your boss or a family member, do not post it.
4. The Illinois Academy of Family Physicians reserves the right to amend this policy at any time by posting a notice on its website.