Match 2016
Illinois continues the recent trend of small steps forward in building our family medicine workforce. The reports from Illinois allopathic medical schools shows that overall 9.3% of Illinois graduates matched into family medicine, with 101 overall and 43 of those matching into Illinois programs. This is a significant step up from 2015, when only 88 graduates matched in family medicine, and only 32 of them in Illinois. That 9.3 percent is also slightly above the national rate of 8.7 percent of U.S. medical school graduates who matched into family medicine.
View the full listing of Illinois allopathic schools here. In addition, Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine reports that 27 percent (54/200) of their graduated matched into family medicine.
University of Illinois at Rockford had a particularly strong year with 32 percent of the class matching into family medicine (16 out of 50). At Rush Medical School, family medicine was the 2nd most chosen specialty with 16 out of 127 graduates. Every school had at least one graduate in family medicine.
Illinois family medicine residency programs were 100 percent filled by March 18. Of the 205 positions, 46 were filled via the AOA match and 151 via NRMP with eight filled via the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program, or SOAP.
National Results The 2016 national results also show a fill rate for US family medicine residency programs above 95%, meaning that the gap between positions offered and positions filled in family medicine has diminished over time. The fill rate for family medicine has increased significantly since 2003 when it hit a low of 76.2%. AAFP news and analysis from the national stage U.S. seniors filled 45.4% of the 3,105 available Family Medicine positions, up from 45.2% in 2015
AAFP's Key Takeaway The 2016 NRMP Match results continue in the right direction for family medicine. The number of U.S. Seniors matching into family medicine residencies is up 398 over the last seven years. However, neither the production of family medicine residents by U.S. medical schools nor the number of available family medicine residency positions are sufficient to address primary care workforce needs in the U.S. The AAFP is working to remove significant barriers in the educational and practice environments that are stifling growth in family medicine specialty choice among U.S. medical graduates, as well as increase the number of family medicine graduate medical education positions. Substantial increases in the family medicine and primary care workforce will improve the health of Americans and the sustainability of the health care system.